
2025年2月2日号|vol. 165

I want to combine work and play, but it’s not easy. I always wish the day was longer, but even if time could be extended, it must be insufficient again. Eventually, I would start wishing the nights didn’t come forever.
2025年1月27日号|vol. 164

I am often impressed by children’s play and imagination. On the other hand, when I was a child, I used to wonder about what adults said and did. I had a lot of questions for my parents and teachers, ‘Why?’ and had lots of questions for my parents and teachers, but I don’t think about it now. So there is something to lose and something to gain over time.
2025年1月20日号|vol. 163

When I work late at night in rural areas, I am surprised at how dark it is on my way home. This is because there are no street lights. The city, which is bright even at night, must be strange from the point of view of nature. We sleep at night. We shouldn’t need lights, but I can’t imagine myself spending the night in total darkness.
2025年1月14日号|vol. 162

People find colourful objects and phenomena beautiful. Dogs do not seem to change their mood or feelings based on colour. What do dogs find beautiful? With dull eyes, we imagine the world as seen from a dog’s point of view. I hope that what dogs find beautiful is something they can share with their owners.
2025年1月6日号|vol. 161

When I see pretty pinwheels in the shops, I want to buy them. In such cases, trying them on is only a good idea. They feel good at first, but soon I feel pain in my toes just standing there. That’s how I teach my body that high-heeled shoes don’t fit my lifestyle.
2024年12月23日号|vol. 160

By saying ‘be careful’ to them when they go out, they are less likely to have an accident. It’s probably thanks to my family seeing me off. I always reach my destination safely. But I often forget things. Is there any way to dramatically decrease forgetfulness?
2024年12月16日号|vol. 159

At the local laundromat, it takes about 90 minutes to wash and dry your clothes. If you cannot leave the shop and have to stay there, this is a time when you are not sure what to do. What you can do on your own is simple muscle training and exercises, but if you have to keep at it for 90 minutes, it is a lot of exercise.
2024年12月9日号|vol. 158

Some people can easily do things that are too difficult for me to do. I once tried to follow his example on how to be like him, but it didn’t work. Since I started calling that ‘impatience’ and ‘longing’, I have been able to forgive myself a little for the many things I can’t do.
2024年12月2日号|vol. 157

I took piano lessons from kindergarten to high school, but I don’t want to be known as much. This is because I have no sense of rhythm whatsoever, and nowadays I can only play about three songs. Even so, I am impressed by myself that if I like a song, I can somehow remember it even if I haven’t played it for less than 20 years.
2024年11月25日号|vol. 156

They say everyone carries some kind of burden. But since we can’t see our own backs, we have no idea what we’re carrying. It’s an unknown load, but since there’s nothing we can do about it, all we can do is hope it’s something good.
2024年11月18日号|vol. 155

阿吽の呼吸になるまでに、いったいどれだけ言葉を交わせばいいのでしょうか? どんなに長くいっしょに過ごしても、私はその人の気持ちを言い当てる自信がありません。漫画のように、吹き出しがあればいいのに、とその人の頭上をチラ見します。
How many words do we have to exchange before we can get that perfect “Aun no Kokyu”—where we get each other without saying a thing? No matter how much time we spend together, I’m never sure I can guess what they’re feeling. I wish life came with comic-style speech bubbles, and I find myself sneaking a glance above their head.
2024年11月11日号|vol. 154

I often see people playing air golf while waiting for a moment. Do they have a lush golf course in their mind? Or are they trying to make their depression into a little ball and send it flying far away?
2024年11月5日号|vol. 153

Light travels at a speed of seven and a half laps around the earth per second. The human eye can never catch up with this speed, but I can’t help but follow the movement of the light with my eyes. When the light dashes through the shadows, I can’t help but look for its lead.
2024年10月28日号|vol. 152

They fantasise about being kept in zoos. Their diet and temperature are properly controlled, and they spend the daytime in their cages at their own pace. That’s all it takes to get cheers of ‘cute’ and ‘cool’… that doesn’t sound so bad. Well, only if the spectators are not the same people.
2024年10月21日号|vol. 151

「写真写りが悪い」とよく指摘されると、私はホッとします。自分の写真を見て「え? 私ってこんな顔だったんだ……」とショックを受けることが多いからです。「写真より実物の方がいい」と言ってくれているようで、嬉しくすらなります。
People often say I’m not photogenic, but honestly, that’s fine. When I look at my photos, I’m shocked, ‘Wow, is that me?’ I’m shocked. But if I’m not photogenic, it means I look better in person than I do in the photo, right?
2024年10月15日号|vol. 150

夢の中でシャッターチャンスに出会うことがあります。私はカメラを構えて必死に追いかけます。捕まえた! と思ったら、現実でも寝ぼけて枕元にあるカメラのシャッターを切っていたりします。写っているのは真っ暗な私の部屋の天井です。
Sometimes, I come across perfect photo opportunities in my dreams. I set up my camera and frantically chase after them. Just when I think I’ve captured the shot, I find out that in reality, I’ve been sleepily pressing the shutter on the camera next to my pillow. What I end up with is a shot of my pitch-black ceiling.
2024年10月7日号|vol. 149

When I was a kid, I dreamed of flying and constantly asked my parents for a balloon that would float. Even though I can’t fly freely now, I still imagine floating, even if it takes many balloons. Wouldn’t you be up for giving it a shot?
2024年9月23日号|vol. 148

I have never been able to keep using exercise and health equipment. Yet when information about a new product comes out, I buy it with the faint hope that this time I will be able to finish it. Such guts, unfortunately, are withdrawn at the most critical times.
2024年9月16日号|vol. 147

I am boned by cats. Whenever I see them, I can’t help but be bothered by them. I like their adorable appearance, but I also like the fact that they don’t pace themselves with others. On the other hand, I wish they would obey traffic rules.
2024年9月9日号|vol. 146

Baku is said to eat nightmares. When I was a child I used to remember the dreams I had, but now I forget them as soon as I wake up. Maybe Baku is eating them. Does that mean that I have such bad dreams?
2024年9月2日号|vol. 145

I have been swimming for more than 10 years since I was a child. Swimming was one of my few special skills, but now I am not in the pool. I am not confident I can swim due to too long of a blank. I want to keep my good points, so I am even more reluctant to go to the pool.
2024年8月26日号|vol. 144

Some people are kind enough to place shoes that have fallen in the street on a slightly higher surface to make it easier for their owners to find them. One way to signal your whereabouts is by waving a flag or something you are wearing over your head. Which is this? At least he had both shoes on properly.
2024年8月19日号|vol. 143

When I see a procession of people holding up cameras, I tend to check the direction of the procession. Thinking it must be something special, I take a picture without knowing what it is. I try to look it up later, but by the time I get home, I have completely forgotten that I took the picture. There is a mountain of such photographic data.
2024年8月12日号|vol. 142

One method of creating a photographic image is to darken the foreground and lighten the background. This way, the composition comes together beautifully. When I was taught this method, I was reminded of Paleolithic times as seen on television. It may be a remnant of our cave-dwelling ancestors, who knew morning by the light coming through the entrance.
2024年8月5日号|vol. 141

Some clothes make me feel confident and combat-ready when I wear them. Such clothes are usually expensive and I tend to put them away in my wardrobe. So when I finally put my sleeves on, they are out of shape or out of fashion. They are the clothes of choice, but after the second round, they are a no-show.
2024年7月29日号|vol. 140

I have used a variety of bags to reduce the burden of traveling as much as possible, but none of them feel right.
Body bags, waist pouches, shoulder bags, rucksacks, handbags, apron bags …. Is the only way now to create an original bag like his?
2024年7月22日号|vol. 139

‘We are not taking pictures, we are being made to want to take pictures’. My teacher told me. Many people enjoy taking commemorative photographs at tourist attractions. In the words of him, it is probably because there is an attraction that makes people want to keep it as a souvenir.
2024年7月8日号|vol. 138

As a child, I used to imitate buying juice from a vending machine. It looked cool to see adults spending money. Nowadays, we can buy things cashless. Children of the future may come to admire the sight of using a terminal machine more than money itself.
2024年7月1日号|vol. 137

‘Forty years old and not deceived’. These are the words of Confucius. As a student, I believed I would be on my own by age 40, but I guess I was naive. How many more years do I need before I can be unaffected by anything?
2024年6月24日号|vol. 136

Trousers with waists that show buttocks, tops that show stomachs, mini-skirts and hot trousers in the middle of winter …. I get cold just looking at them. However, I used to shorten my skirts when I was in high school. Fashion was more important than climate. Where has that gut gone?
2024年6月17日号|vol. 135

In a tavern, a drunken man accidentally kicked an old man in the leg. In the small restaurant, there was a moment of awkwardness, but the grandfather laughed and said, “I’m sorry my legs are so long”. I admire this smart retort, but even if I tried to imitate him, I would be too embarrassed to do so.
2024年6月10日号|vol. 134

I am always curious about what is behind the construction site enclosure. I am curious about what is going to be built and end up staring at it. Recently, more and more enclosures are transparent so that you can see inside. Why is this? When you are shown everything, you lose interest instead.
2024年6月3日号|vol. 133

The tempo of a conversation is as important as its content. If the rhythm is not right, people will not listen to even interesting topics. Conversely, if I am too conscious of tempo, I may be unable to keep up with the conversation. We have no choice but to dance now.
2024年5月27日号|vol. 132

One of the potted plants on the balcony is a hydrangea that has stopped flowering. My mother seems to have pruned it wrong and every year only the leaves grow vigorously. One branch, one leaf. I learnt from this potted plant that each of them has an important role to play in making it bloom, even if you think it is a trivial thing.
2024年5月20日号|vol. 131

In the course of my work, I photographed a lot of luxury apartments. Many of them were built almost identically, and I could imagine the layout by asking about the size without having to visit the site.
What about his house? The layout is obvious, but I have no idea what kind of house it is.
2024年5月13日号|vol. 130

After the Covid-19 disaster, people returned to using the train. Initially, it was expected that remote working would take hold, but this was probably the result of many people finding it inconvenient. Stations have become crowded again, but there are also more problems. It will be some time before the problem of train commuting is solved.
2024年5月7日号|vol. 129

Rebuilding dilapidated buildings is a common practice in Tokyo. I used to look forward to seeing what buildings would be built. Now, I sometimes feel sad that I can no longer see my favourite designs. I suppose the time I have spent in Tokyo has made me attached to the city.
2024年4月22日号|vol. 128

The term ‘disappearing without a trace’ is often used in novels but has only been seen in magic shows. However, I see situations where the owner is not present and only the baggage is in place. Where the hell has this person gone?
2024年4月15日号|vol. 127

I am a paper driver. It has not been driven for five years. I’m terrified of driving, especially parking. If there’s a car behind me, I get impatient and can’t steer properly. I can’t help wishing that everything was my parking space.
2024年4月8日号|vol. 126

子供のときはあんなに大きいと思ったのに……、と幼い頃を振り返ることが、そんなにありません。例えば公園の遊具、大人用のお茶碗、大きなハンバーガー、両親の背中……あまりピンと来ません。ただ、数年前に買った服が入らなかったとき、あれ? 大きくなったの? と感じることはあります。
I never felt that what I thought was big as a child has become smaller as I have grown up. For example, playground equipment in the park, cutlery for adults, burgers for one, parents’ backs… it doesn’t ring a bell. But when the clothes I bought a few years ago didn’t fit, I sometimes feel like I’m getting bigger.
2024年4月1日号|vol. 125

I worked various part-time jobs when I was a student. About 30 of them. I realised that the motto I often see,“You can be anything you want to be”, is impossible. Concept cafés and girls’ bars were rejected at every turn. I learnt that people have different aptitudes.
2024年3月25日号|vol. 124

It is said that people become more punny as they get older. This is due to the way the brain works and seems to be particularly common in middle-aged and older men. However, this situation is tempting for anyone, young or old, male or female, to say. “Futon ga futton da” (The blanket was blown as a rocket).
2024年3月18日号|vol. 123

I am extremely bad at handicrafts. I have tried many times to be able to at least fasten a button by myself, but I can’t do it well because I try so hard to avoid the needle that might prick my finger. Well, moving the needle and almost pricking my finger are all things I do with my own hands…
2024年3月11日号|vol. 122

His legs kicked up so beautifully that I thought he was a statue. I soon discovered that it was not, but with the object in the foreground, it looked like a work of art. I watched for a while as he continued to tread carefully on the shiko.
2024年3月4日号|vol. 121

As a child, I used to think that when I grew up I would be able to act on my initiative without parental permission. Indeed, there are now more opportunities for self-determination. On the other hand, many more circumstances and ties prevent us from getting out of our way.
2024年2月26日号|vol. 120

人間にも自分のサイズが分かる指標が体のどこかにあればいいのですが、頼れるのは己の感覚と目視だけです。それが正確なら問題はないのですが……。行けると思っていた隙間でも、途中でアレ!? となって大変な目にあうことがあります。
A cat’s whiskers are said to act as a yardstick to indicate its own width. It would be nice if humans had an indicator of their own size somewhere on their bodies, but all we can rely on is our own senses and visual observation. If that were accurate, there would be no problem… Even in gaps that you thought you could go through, you can get into a lot of trouble. and you can get into a lot of trouble.
2024年2月19日号|vol. 119

It is difficult to be told to “relax the excess.” If I could figure out how to leave only the necessary force, many things would become easier, but I feel as if I might fall if I relax, so I end up straining.
2024年2月13日号|vol. 118

This photo shows people waiting for a bus in 2020. Distance between people was required as part of the measures to combat the transmission of the new coronavirus. The subtle distance between them seems a strange sight now, three years later. On the other hand, the emotional distance between strangers on the street does not seem to have changed much since then.
2024年2月5日号|vol. 117

In parks without jogging tracks, runners are free to choose their own course. Some run laps in one direction, while others create their own course. They have different starting points and different finishing points. In a world where we are expected to keep in step, jogging is a great way to relax, as you can set your own goal.
2024年1月29日号|vol. 116

Urban centres, especially stations, are designed with the flow of people in mind. We seem to be able to move everywhere, but our behaviour is controlled by all kinds of tricks to ensure a smooth flow. A design error! In some places we are tempted to say, but in any case, our movements are controlled by the building structure.
2024年1月22日号|vol. 115

Rainy days are always depressing. I hate having one hand full of umbrellas. In Europe, they say you don’t carry an umbrella if it rains a little. I envy them, but then all sorts of excuses fall with the rain – my camera, my clothes, my body temperature, my make-up, etc. – and I end up using an umbrella.
2024年1月15日号|vol. 114

そうなると中央の警官は何者になるのでしょうか? 怪獣と戦うヒーローにも、怪獣を従える王者にも見えるポーズです。
This is the front of the Imperial Palace under a declared emergency due to Covid-19. Even though it was a holiday, it was so unpopular that the skyscrapers on the other side looked like monsters taking over the city.
If so, what does that make the policeman in the centre? The pose makes him look like a hero fighting a monster and a king following the monster.
2024年1月9日号|vol. 113

I once cycled across from Kawagoe to Narita for work. It was a cheap mama-chari without shifting gears. The journey must have been quite painful, but I miss the scenery I saw then and sometimes want to cycle again. This time, though, I would choose a bicycle with electric power assist.
2023年12月25日号|vol. 112

I thought dogs loved to go for a walk, but sometimes I see some that hate it and step on it. I heard that there are many causes for a dog’s dislike of walking, but in this momentary scene, it looked as if the dog was desperately appealing to its master to obey the road signs. If dogs also obey signs when they walk, I wonder if it would be a drama.
2023年12月18日号|vol. 111

Shortly after the opening of the Takanawa Gateway Station, the facility under construction could be seen from the bridge leading to the station. The land on which the large, modern and glamorous-looking facility was to be built. Through the gaps in the lumpy rebar, water could be seen pooling in the foundations. I will check the footings when the building is complete.
2023年12月11日号|vol. 110

As an only child, the park was a social place for me to play with friends and meet new ones. When you become an ‘adult’ you seem to come up with different games than you did when you were a child. When I was a child, I never imagined that I would be able to expand my social circle by putting on an acrobatic performance in front of the playground equipment and sharing it with the world.
2023年12月4日号|vol. 109

The men facing the pillars are staff who replace the advertising in the cars. They carry out their work quietly. They replace them quickly and carefully, but the passengers don’t seem to notice. From the staff’s point of view, is this the state of the art they are aiming for?
2023年11月27日号|vol. 108

The materials used for roadblocks at construction sites are evolving. There are mechanized signs, pneumatically operated balloon-shaped dolls, elaborate electronic billboards, and robots in work clothes ……. I once bailed out as I passed by and was surprised to discover that it was a humanoid device that was giving me directions.
2023年11月20日号|vol. 107

The city at dusk was beautiful and I was sad to go home. I walk slowly as the sky changes colour and before I know it, I am at the front door. Today’s adventure is over. I said ‘I’m home’ and entered the house, only to be followed by the night from behind the closed door.
2023年11月13日号|vol. 106

According to dream interpretation, dreams in which monsters appear suggest fear and anxiety. It is said that dreams are an opportunity for confrontation, but I would avoid them if I could. Pretending to confront them and then slipping through… isn’t it okay to at least cheat like that? Because they are monsters.
2023年11月6日号|vol. 105

The last few summers have been so hot that I suspected the water I drank was going straight out of my body, making me sweat. Even bottled water, which was cold when I bought it, would soon become lukewarm if I stayed outside. I had to meditate on the worst of my thirst and pour it down my throat anyway.
2023年10月30日号|vol. 104

For railway photographers, waiting for the train they want to see can be an exciting and blissful time. It would be nice if they could enjoy the waiting time together, but this is not always the case. This photo was taken in mid-summer. There was a temperature difference between the shade and the sun.
2023年10月23日号|vol. 103

Balance is important in the world, but achieving an equilibrium that satisfies everyone is almost impossible. You may think to yourself, “That’s so perfect!” But objectively, it can look dangerous… Everyone has this sense of imbalance.
2023年10月16日号|vol. 102

I saw people practicing cast nets on the banks of the Arakawa River. I thought that net fishing in a river in the metropolitan area might not produce any results. But I was surprised to hear that you can also catch black sea bream. “Do you try it?” he asked me, but I would rather be fed the fish he caught.
2023年10月2日号|vol. 101

He was taking part in a project to decorate a shopping street with art and was in the process of creating a comic strip using the shutters as a campus. He says, behind the baseball-themed storyline is a message that is unique to this town. Has it been completed yet? What kind of story is being depicted?
2023年9月25日号|vol. 100

The outer gardens of the Imperial Palace are located in the center of Tokyo, but time passes at a leisurely pace. From here, it looks like cars are moving at high speed, but maybe they are driving normally once they cross the green fence. When you step out of this garden, the hustle and bustle of the city suddenly comes back and you feel a bit of a time warp.
2023年9月19日号|vol. 99

It is said that the scenery around you moves slowly when your concentration is at its peak. When I stumbled, I experienced a moment when everything seemed to stand still. I should have broken my fall or stepped forward, but my physical ability wasn’t that good. So I fell helplessly.
2023年9月11日号|vol. 98

There are many places to sit in Tokyo, but when you want to rest, it is often difficult to find a seat. When I wait for an empty seat, someone else wants it just as much as I do… It is like a tense game of musical chairs. If you don’t stick to chairs, there should be plenty of places to sit.
2023年9月4日号|vol. 97

A friend of mine passionately said, ‘Panchira isn’t worth doing on purpose. A trick of the wind lifts up a skirt. The miracle of being there by chance moves us.’ I nodded my head empathizing with a photographer’s feeling who captured the photo opportunity.
2023年8月28日号|vol. 96

I no longer see the playground equipment I used to play on. One of the reasons may be that it’s too old, but I’ve heard that some of them have been banned for fear of injuring children. Does this mean that I am a woman who used to enjoy forbidden play? Hmmm…
2023年8月21日号|vol. 95

Waiting for an event is a test of my relationship with the people I am with. Can I have a pleasant conversation with them? Can I share a good atmosphere with them? It is such an ordeal. The best thing is to be able to spend time together at my own pace, without being too uptight.
2023年8月14日号|vol. 94

Because I’m influenced by video games, the word “dungeon” reminds me of mysterious spaces with labyrinthine structures. In real life, underground structures in city centers are real dungeons for me. I venture into them and try to conquer them many times, but here and there they have been renovated, and a new route has been created.
2023年8月7日号|vol. 93

We often hear that people from other countries are impressed by Japanese people who voluntarily stand in line and wait their turn. However, even in other countries, people seem to wait in line in crowded places. I think that one of the most surprising characteristics of the Japanese spirit is their thoroughgoing “mae e nara e” principle.
2023年7月31日号|vol. 92

This hole is a popular hide-and-seek spot where children often play. When I was little, I used to play hide-and-seek here and surprise my parents and friends. If I hid here now, I would surprise them in a different way.
2023年7月24日号|vol. 91

This boy was preparing to join a baseball team and was practicing with his parents to get used to the bat. I followed the flying ball with my eyes, wondering how he could hit such a small ball with such a thin bat. Surely one day he will be able to send the ball so fast and far that my eyes won’t be able to keep up.
2023年7月10日号|vol. 90

When I go on an excursion to the Kanto suburbs, I always buy a regular train ticket. I know that the express train will get me to my destination faster, but I am too stingy to do so. If I took the limited express, I would see the scenery fly by. With such an imagination, I look out of the window of the local train as the express train passes by at high speed.
2023年7月3日号|vol. 89

It is not known why yawning is contagious. Some say it is because you are interested in the other person and get caught up in it. Anyway, you get sleepy in the early afternoon when the weather is nice. A chain of yawns starts here and there as people try to fight off the sleepiness.
2023年6月26日号|vol. 88

I don’t remember the first time I took a train alone. I can’t remember my first shopping trip, the first day I rode a bike, or my first love. There is no experience that leaves a deeper impression than a “first time,” but it seems that we forget them more easily than we think. It seems that we forget them more easily even if we don’t want to.
2023年6月19日号|vol. 87

Is it the influence of streaming video? Sometimes I just really want to do backflips. First, I stand against a wall to try to stand on my head. Then, I kick the ground and put my weight on my arms, but my fear pushes my body back and I always fail to do it. It seems that the first step is to have the courage to jump in.
2023年6月12日号|vol. 86

The bus system in Tokyo is quite developed, and even if you miss your bus, the next one will arrive in less than 20 minutes. If you are in a hurry, you may be disappointed and say, “I have to wait this long!” but if you are saying goodbye to your close friend, you may think, “I can wait a little longer…”.
2023年6月5日号|vol. 85

I was quite nearsighted, but my vision improved remarkably after LASIK surgery. Since then, I have been free of the hassles of nearsightedness, but I began to worry about the “presbyopia” that would eventually come. I tried on the reading glasses in a shop. I was relieved to find that they did not seem to fit me yet.
2023年5月22日号|vol. 84

People who value work efficiency and do their jobs in strange positions – I’m afraid they might hurt their bodies, but they don’t seem to be hurt that much. Just as some creatures change their bodies to fit into their environment, we humans may also make our bodies adapt to our work without realizing it.
2023年5月15日号|vol. 83

The cityscape of Tokyo at the golden hour is well known in landscape photography. At this point, however, both Tokyo Tower and Tokyo Skytree are in the east, so I could not take the combination of the towers and the sunset. Instead, a middle aged man stood tall with his arms stretched toward the sky. While he was waiting for the train, he looked like a tower.
2023年5月8日号|vol. 82

I used to play a certain PC game a lot when I was little. At that time, the programming technology was not very advanced, so there were many bugs that caused the main character to appear in unlikely places. Now that the quality of games has improved, I often find more unbelievable scenes in reality than in the virtual worlds.
2023年5月1日号|vol. 81

Backpacks are convenient for carrying heavy equipment, but they are difficult to secure space. They often get caught in unexpected places, and we often have trouble moving around on the train or on a narrow street with them… It is quite difficult to reach the destination without hitting obstacles. It has been more than 30 years since I was born in Tokyo, but I’m still not good at walking around the city.
2023年4月24日号|vol. 80

These days, I wonder how many more times I can see cherry blossoms. Since people’s lifespans are getting longer, I guess I can do it at most 100 times. I have already spent 35 springs, so I have about 65 left. It is sad that I will have fewer and fewer opportunities to see them, but this makes the flowers more beautiful.
2023年4月17日号|vol. 79

I saw my own hair whirl for the first time the other day. It happened to be in a photo taken by a friend. Suddenly I became concerned about the condition of my scalp. But I didn’t want to have it checked regularly (and I didn’t want to accept the reality that I was going bald gradually), so I decided to just pat it and tell myself it was fine.
2023年4月10日号|vol. 78

Sometimes there are lost items that make me wonder why they are here and tilt my head. How on earth was it forgotten? I look around in the hope that the owner might show up a little later, but people pass by without paying any attention. It makes me a little sad. I am sure the lost things feel the same.
2023年4月3日号|vol. 77

Advertisements for travel packages are posted everywhere in train stations. The attractive pictures of beautiful scenery make me want to go there, but there are just too many photo spots. It is impossible to visit them all in one season, both in terms of time and money. I try to travel at least in my imagination. Closing my eyes and remembering the scenes in the photos, I found myself traveling to a completely unrelated dream world.
2023年3月27日号|vol. 76

I am good at finding lost companions in crowds. When I was a little girl, hide-and-seek and cops-and-robbers were not really my thing, but now, if you let me play the role of “it,” I think I would do quite well. On the other hand, I’m not so sure about hiding. It should be so hard to find a place to hide my grown body.
2023年3月20日号|vol. 75

I disposed of the long-standing heater when I redecorated my workroom. I thought I could cope with the cold. Winter came and I realized how naive I was. I can’t stand the cold in my room and I wander around with my cat in search of a warm place in the house.
2023年3月13日号|vol. 74

As I was an only child and both of my parents worked, I often ate alone. I have never felt lonely, but the more time I spend eating alone, the more I feel I am forgetting how to talk. The ability to talk is not something that everyone is born with, but something that is acquired through experience.
2023年3月6日号|vol. 73

Riding a swing after a long time, I am amazed at the amplitude of the swing and how fast it is. It is only at first that I can enjoy the view as it moves away and closer. Getting bored, I realize that I have forgotten how to get off. I am afraid to get off, but I am also afraid to continue riding alone… If I am with someone I love, I do not mind being swung around all the time, though.
2023年2月27日号|vol. 72

It is luxurious to relax and appreciate the changing colors of the sky and the sea. It is even better if you can share the time with someone…. However, I am restless and always looking around in search of a different view…. For me, a romantic situation is not something to immerse myself in, but something to find.
2023年2月20日号|vol. 71

The mood of voluntary restraint caused by Covid-19 was eased considerably in 2022, and tourists are coming back gradually. Although we are still halfway through a complete restoration, a flower garden that someone loves looks more beautiful to me than one that no one sees.
2023年2月13日号|vol. 70

A good putter golf player accurately reads the subtle irregularities of the course and guides the ball into the cup. I want to discern the twists and turns of the road of my life accurately, but I’m always hitting the wrong shot. As if to encourage me, the pin flag is waving in the wind.
2023年2月6日号|vol. 69

I am extremely night-blind and can hardly see my feet after the sun sets. It is said that a Japanese proverb, “Todai moto kurashi” (It’s darkest under the lamp post.) is excerpted from “Kefuki-gusa”, a piece of Japanese literature published in 1645. Although lighting technology must have advanced dramatically since those days, it is still dark at our feet today in many ways.
2023年2月6日号|vol. 68

Training is hard. When the muscles cannot bear the load and you are about to give up, you will find something beyond the pain and overcome it. What motivates you could be a healthy body, excellent proportions, or the lovely round eyes of your dog encouraging you… Support from your family and friends is the most effective.
2023年1月23日号|vol. 67

For children who do not have smartphones, Their imagination is the way to distract them from the boredom of waiting for the train. After they enjoyed traveling in their imaginary worlds, they were snapped back to reality by the announcement of the train’s arrival. An outing in the real world begins with the departure bell.
2023年1月16日号|vol. 66

It’s hard to get trendy sweets. Waiting in long lines is boring. Prices are not reasonable. Moreover, they are sometimes sold out in the middle of the day. After overcoming such hardships, the two shots with the sweets will surely remain sweet memories in your mind.
2023年1月10日号|vol. 65

When I reach my goal at last, I often find the goal has gone farther away. I desperately chase after it, but the distance keeps opening and closing. When I get too tired and look back, I just notice that I have climbed to a higher point.

Sculptural works are located in large parks and open spaces. Every person has different interpretations of artworks in public facilities. In my case, I enjoy imagining how the atmosphere, title, and environment of the facility had an impact on the location of the work. In addition, you can have fun taking commemorative photos with them, touching them, riding on them, and playing with them.

I like to watch the scenery through the windows of trains. Even on the subway, I enjoy seeing the defenseless faces of passengers reflected vaguely on the opposite windows and watching the light from the windows of oncoming cars passing by at high speed. When we reach the platform, we are sometimes surprised at an advertisement staring at us in an unexpected way.

Sometimes I click the shutter unconsciously at the same time as I encounter the very moment. As for such photos, it is impossible to explain why I decided to take the picture. If I were asked that, my answer would be vague like “Just because it looked kind of nice.” I say to myself, “Why?” over and over again as I look at the photo.

The Marunouchi district is one of the busiest places in Tokyo during the daytime. I was startled for a moment when I saw a row of shaved heads floating above the crowd. I turned around to take a closer look and understood it was the mannequins in the show windows that were looking out as if they were ghosts.

Children have very rich imaginations, and even when they see the same view, they associate it with different things. To me, the boy in this photo looks like he is looking at a man’s legs over there, but he may be looking into a different world through the gap between the H.

The name “Ochanomizu” comes from the fact that the Tokugawa family used to draw water to brew tea. The water, which is so famous that it was offered daily to Edo Castle, is no longer available. Instead, nowadays, various drinks including teas are readily available from vending machines.

These days it is commonplace to use a smart phone camera to take commemorative photos. I sometimes use it as a note-taking device, but I rarely look back at it. In the past, I used to leave things in the photos so I wouldn’t forget them, but now I seem to be recording things so I don’t have to remember them.

Mannequins are lined up on show windows in ideal styles. Compared to their perfection, humans are somewhat unshapely. Therefore, a person seems to be trying to become a perfect form by overlapping with someone else. Their appearance is very beautiful.

We get frustrated easily while waiting for traffic lights to change at large intersections. While cars are passing by me one after another, I glance at the traffic light and say, “That’s enough! It’s time you changed!” On the other hand, when I’m in the car, I’ll pray to the traffic light in my mind, “Please stay green a little longer…!”

I started muscle training when I began to feel chronic pain from stiffness in my body. At first, I didn’t know if it was pain from the muscle training or the stiffness in my body, but the more I did it, the more my body changed, and I got hooked on it… Finally, It became a part of my life and I am now restless if I don’t do it.

I have had over 10 bicycles stolen in the past. For a while, I thought I would never ride a bicycle again and did not buy a new one. When 4 years had passed since I stopped riding a bicycle, I eventually bought a new one. It was the first time in 4 years, and I felt in danger. I realized that a bicycle is a vehicle that demands a high level of drivers’ skill.

In Tokyo, where buildings densely exist, even if we don’t know the shape of the destroyed building, we can imagine its appearance from the tan marks and stains left on adjacent houses. What’s the story behind this mural? Perhaps the homeowner felt the exterior wall was tasteless, so he might have it painted with a view that makes him comfortable.

A form that is efficient, simple, and functional may be described as “beautiful”. I think the operations of the cleaning staff are very sophisticated. They clean dirt steadily in systematic ways with simple movements. Their job stands out in the crowded stations where many people move around in all directions.

Skyscrapers in the heart of the cities with countless glass walls reflecting the sky. It looks very eerie when one building among them is totally covered with a huge sheet. It’s as if a part of the landscape has been mistakenly censored. When I find construction workers between the waving thin fabrics, they look as if they are struggling to evacuate.

We see advertisements everywhere for sun protection and blemish control. Their effects are tremendous and you can’t help but worry about your skin for the future. Ultraviolet rays are one of the threats for many women, but the middle-aged man, unaware of this trend, lay down on the ground sheet on the beach and enjoy the rays of the sun to the fullest. How defenseless! How open! his golden brown skin is dazzling.

Generally, it is normal that there is only one main character in a tale. However, in the real world, everyone plays a leading role and creats original stories in his or her own life. Around cities crowded with people, while a prince and a princess are falling in love with each other, another romance happens right next to them.

When I see couples flirting with each other, I’m fascinated by them. In Tokyo, there are many opportunities to find a partner, but I feel that only a few couples develop intimate relationships. In this city where people feel lonely even when there is someone next to them, the expression of affection between lovers is very heartwarming.

Tokyo is well designed to make people move around. Therefore, transportation is highly developed, but it is your own feet that you actually use the most. Tokyo also provides numerous spots where pedestrians can take a break as if the developers calculated the levels of leg fatigue.

The advent of mobile devices has greatly changed the way to amuse children while going out. We often see not only children but also adults eagerly looking at tablet screens. I have no room to talk, though, I focused on using my smartphone so much that I went up the extra 3 floors.

The high population density in urban centers can often be a problem. It is normal to pass by people on the street. Furthermore, there is always someone over the wall too. In Tokyo, it may be polite to distract ourselves from others even when you are too close to them.

In some stories, the world of mirrors is depicted in a very different way. In reality, mirrors are reflections of real images and do not reflect anything more than the real world. If you see something mysterious in the mirror, it means it also must be happening in reality.

With temperatures rising year after year, it is difficult to walk in the city in the middle of summer. After a long walk, the unexpected coolness is much appreciated. The cool air leaked from the stores when the doors open, the shadows created by tall people standing beside you, and subway vent holes on the sidewalk are just a few examples.

The women in the photo were saying goodbye to each other for the last few seconds just until the door was shut in front of them. In the past, I have heard an elderly person say, “I don’t know when I will see you next, but goodbye until then. Will the day come when I also can’t say “See you again.” to my friends so casually?

While people are enjoying the ocean in front of them, a boy is sitting, bending over on a log stool. His frantic gaze is directed at a video game console. Inside the small monitor, a world as fascinating as the ocean seems to spread out before him.

The masterpieces displayed in museums attract the gaze of many people. Sometimes it seems as if the paintings were also looking at you when you look into them, wondering about the historical background and the artist’s intentions. The works on display might appreciate the museum visitors as they do.

I first used an ophthalmic anesthetic during my LASIK surgery. The dosage was the same as over-the-counter eye drops, so I was worried about whether it would work properly as an anesthetic. As I was so doubtful even after the surgery started, I asked the doctor to pause at every step. Therefore, the surgery was not really progressing smoothly.

The lingerie is small but packed with glamor. It may be a sin to hide such luxury under your clothes, but on the contrary, it makes you feel more special. Some products are more expensive than everyday clothes, but if you think of it as buying a secret dress that only someone special will see, it may be a reasonable price.

This happened when I was traveling. The local bus I was on stopped on a country road with no traffic lights or bus stops. It was announced that a family of a hen and chicks were crossing the road. It was a very heartwarming reason. This is a precious everyday life that we don’t have in the city, where anyone who can’t keep up with the speed of time is mercilessly left behind.

Any jobs involve risks. Construction site work is one of them. They cannot leave their position, whether it is burning hot or freezing cold. How hard it is to stand in uniform in a harsh environment makes you exhausted just imagining that. Did he also feel like facing the back suddenly?

During the Golden Week, the lawns of Hinokicho Park were crowded with people enjoying the holidays. Many parks have ‘No Trespassing’ signs on their lawns, but in this park, you can enjoy the texture of the young grasses to the fullest. I was thrilled by how soft and nice the raw lawn is when I touch it.

There are many great make-up videos on Youtube and Instagram. My eyes are glued to them as girls transform themselves from their bare faces. Not only am I impressed by their high level of skill, but I can also feel their passion for self-expression. The fact they want to express what they want to be means they are looking closely at what they actually are.

This construction site was transformed into Shibuya Scramble Square on 1 November 2019. In the city of Shibuya, as seen from the rooftop observation terrace, they are still undergoing large-scale construction here and there. The development is likely to be completed in 2027, but new projects are being prepared even after that. The shifting silhouette of the city seems to be the vogue itself.

Wearing masks outside may be common nowadays, though, this photo was taken in mid-summer 2015. Judging from the conversation and the atmosphere, they seemed to be tourists from abroad and took measures to avoid MARS infection. While the world reported on the threat of MARS, the headline news in Japan was the temperature on that day. It was 37.3°C maximum in Tokyo.

For firefighters who train hard every day, this kind of scene might be commonplace. After this, the two men worked together brilliantly to scale the wall with the rope smoothly. While it is a wonderful skill, we pray situations where they would play a role never happen.

When passing through a station gate with a paper ticket, the narrowness of the ticket slot often causes a lot of hassle. I had no difficulty inserting my commuter pass when I was a student. It was in 1991 that electronic money was first introduced at automatic ticket gates. Nowadays, ‘touch and go’ is a standard way in our daily life. Habits can be quickly repainted into new ones, can’t they?

When you look through the viewfinder of your camera, you may find someone unexpected looking back into you. This is a typical scene in horror films. A cast would fight against monsters and spirits of the dead, though, the photographer would stay there as well and struggle not to miss the spectacle.

The tulips were planted along the fence around the factory site. The flower petals were about to be blown off every time large vehicles made gusts of wind. While I felt sorry for the tulips growing well, wondering if anyone else would notice them, a woman appeared. She held a few dead tulips in her hand, which made me believe that she takes care of this small flower bed. When I realized this, the swaying flowers seemed to be smiling at me.

Hair arrangement instructed by a hair stylist, makeup applied by a beauty advisor, coordinates recommended by an apparel clerk, lymphatic massage explained by the esthetician… I have never been able to reproduce any of these. I suspect that the mirrors in the stores are somehow tampered with.

What are they looking for? Is it something hard to find? For what on earth are three adults crawling around? When I look back on this work, it reminds me of the famous song by Yosui Inoue. The children is about to say, “Are you still looking for it?”

This photo was taken in 2015. As 7 years have passed, the girl is probably no longer carrying her school bag. At that time, this moment caught my eye because wearing a mask was not normal, though now it has become a common sight everywhere.

People say, “Like attracts like.” Fashion style is also one of the factors that determine whether a person is “like” you or not. Tokyo is filled with a great variety of styles, and people enjoy them with their friends. Even if your fashion is eccentric, you can still find a “kindred spirit,” and it is in this city that you can have such unexpected encounters.

Every time I watch a cast lying on the bed with their shoes on in European or American films, I pay more attention to the dirt on the bed than the story. This photo shows a shopping street in Tokyo. One is European and American style, and the other is Japanese style. It is difficult to say which is more hygienic.

Sometimes we don’t know whether people in Tokyo care about their surroundings or not. In a crowded train station, even a quick kiss is definitely watched by someone. For example, by the girls the poster on the wall…
Every road has eyes, and every wall has ones as well.

In the morning, the underground passageway of the station leading to large companies is filled with commuters. Out of the flow of them, a man was practicing dancing. He was spinning around and boldly moving left and right in the empty space. He was repeating the same movements as if he was trying to get them into his body. Maybe he was on his way to work, too. He stopped dancing and joined the stream of commuters, eventually disappearing from sight.

The station staff was going up on the escalator in a queue. The photo was taken in late March of 2015. They were probably in the middle of their new employee training and were just checking around the station. Now, the sixth spring has passed. Though I still use the same station, I have never seen such a scene since then. Every time I see this escalator, I slightly hope that we will meet them again next spring.

The seesaw is cruel play equipment. You can tell which one is heavier than the other in an instant. Yet, for some reason, seesaws are very popular. When I was little, my friends used to pull me by the hand and ask me to play it with them. “Please don’t make me ride on it”, I prayed. After I was cornered, I suggested a game whose rule was we stood in the middle of a seesaw and had to keep our balance. Again, my friends were ruthless. They bounced the seesaw over and over in an attempt to shake me off.

I often see the catchphrase “Don’t care about what others think of you”. In a big city, the area they care about is very small and we’re not involved in it sofrequently. With so many people coming and going, it’s impossible to pay attention to the behavior of every single person you pass by. To be indifferent could be a necessary skill to live in the city.
However, at the same time, if you are really in trouble and need some help, the more people there are around, the more likely it is that someone will reach out to you.

As the time of the last train is approaching at the end of the day, you can see a lot of people’s behaviors that you normally wouldn’t notice because of the hustle and bustle. A person who is returning home as usual, who has an accident right when s/he is in a hurry, who seems to be returning from a trip and who is waiting for someone. A person who stops to hold a camera whenever something happens, even though she is on the verge of missing the last train…is me.

This is the terminal station of a certain line. It was a morning in the middle of Golden Week. On the platform, which is usually crowded with commuters, there were only several men in suits. Today they don’t have to play a game of seat-finding on a crowded train. Even though the benches were empty, they lined up as if it was their fixed position, waiting for a train that would not come for some time yet.

It seems they are having a lesson in the bowing form of kendo, Japanese fencing. The teacher shows an example and the student follows it. This is a typical kendo practice where courtesy is respected. However…if you watched them bowing repeatedly for a while, you would feel like two samurais apologize to each other endlessly.

Security guards are responsible for the safety of passengers without platform edge doors. In the rush hour, they are standing in front of a wall of people waiting for the train. However, the battle begins rather after the passengers have got on the train. The guards scramble to push the luggage into the doors in a desperate attempt to get the train to depart safely.

There are two pairs of men and women across the pillar. The two couples are completely strangers, so it was just a coincidence that they were here. Of course, they don’t care about what’s going on behind the pillars. They might not even be aware of each other. However, when you look at it from a distance, it’s as if you’re watching a scene from a play.

メイク時に発揮される、彼女たちの集中力 ははかり知れません。
There are pros and cons of putting on make-up in public, but I would rather be impressed. With limited space and time, the way ladies complete their make-up so quickly is like a magic show. Their concentration during make-up is incredible. I hold my breath while watching them drawing their eye lines in a moving train.

A group of boys is playing a game under a railway bridge. I wondered why they were here. With seven boys in one room, it would be quite cramped. If their family saw them playing the game silently, they couldn’t stand it and would say, “Go and play outside.” This spot, though it’s in full view of everyone, might be their secret base where they have finally arrived.

“There’s a giant pear in the middle!” I thought so at first. The glossy pear in the dark looked the most delicious compared to the other ones in the row. “I have never seen such a big species…” I gazed at it and was surprised. It was the head of the shop owner who was looking down. The excitement that I had felt earlier faded away in an instant.

What is this boy doing? He is in a second-hand clothes shop in a city and his mother has brought him here. While his mother is browsing the shelves, the boy is bored. In an attempt to attract his mother’s attention, he was doing all sorts of naughty things. But she is not fazed by this at all. He eventually gave up first. This is the final form of the boy who is tired of not being cared for.

This is the entrance to the shopping center, which is directly connected to Shinjuku station. There is a staircase between the escalators, but I have never seen any visitors using it. The stairs are always used by the cleaning staff. In the middle of the two queues of people riding the escalators, the staff is carefully cleaning the stairs, step by step.
Which should we use, the stairs or the escalators to reward for his work?

A winter station platform in the late afternoon. While I was enjoying the warmth of the sun, a woman came up to me. She put her bag on the bench and struck a ballet-like pose. She straightened her back and extended her arms at an exquisite angle. It looks as if she was about to start dancing in a tense atmosphere. I waited for her next performance until the train arrived, but she didn’t move.

あれ? サンダルの片方は、どこに行ってしまったのでしょうか?
There are legs and sandals of a man and a woman. They were sharing a pair of flip-flops which appear to be men’s ones. There is another sandal between them that was presumed to belong to a woman.
What? Where did the other sandal go? Actually, I don’t remember the details either. Perhaps it’s just not in the picture and might have been held in their hand. But I hope they didn’t have it since that deepens the mystery.

Haru-Ichiban, the first spring storm, is blowing furiously. A high school girl leaves her hair dancing in the air while she stands still to protect herself from the wind. She is staring at a red light that has not changed for a while. In spite of her motionlessness, her hair moving violently looks as if she is giving out energy from her head. When the light turned green, she walked across the street, cutting her way through the storm.

I took this photo in September when summer still stayed here. Women in business suits were crossing the street in the heavy air with heat and humidity. Their legs were lit orange by the car lights and it looks as if they floated in the city dyed in indigo.
I was drawn to the beautiful contrast. It was so natural that I did not realize that a man’s legs were secretly mixed up with them until I developed this photo.

A boy dressed up was unashamedly looking into a lady’s skirt. Most men who saw this picture nodded and said, “I understand”. What did he see there? A man said, “When I was little, I did the same thing to my kindergarten teacher. But it was dark and I could not see anything”. Inside of a skirt is like a universe.

People often ask me what they are doing. I do not know the truth, but I think they were tourists from overseas, carefully checking the station name to make sure not to mistake where to get off. It was 2008 when smartphones were not yet in widespread use so enjoying the scenery outside the window was one of the ways to take their mind off the boredom of traveling.
This photo inspired me to start taking snapshots.